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Our services include:

  • Pool and spa start ups and closings,
  • Weekly maintenance services
  • Equipment repairs or replacement for pumps, filters, heaters, saltwater generators
  • Upgrading current system to automated and full access remote equipment
  • Liner replacement
  • Safety cover installation/replacement

You love your pool and want to enjoy it with family and friends for years to come. Take good care of your investment with pool maintenance from Klenswite Pools & Spas.

Our staff brings decades of experience to every pool care assignment. From small repairs to large overhauls, you can trust us for the job. We can install or repair pool products from all the major manufacturers including:

Nordic Spas
Sundance Spas
Jandy Pool Products
Polaris pool cleaners
Pentair pool products
Hayward Pool products
Raypak heaters

Whether you bought your pool from us or not, we’re here to make your swimming experience enjoyable. Call today to discuss your needs for pool pump repair, heater installation, spa maintenance or other services. We serve Rio Grande, NJ & Cape May County.

A lot of work goes into maintaining a pool, and our staff can provide you with the pool maintenance you need. Turn to us for:
  • Heater, filter or pool pump repair
  • Pool light upgrades
  • Filter cleaning
  • Pool Liner Replacement
  • Safety Cover Sales and Installation
  • Water balancing
  • Auto cleaner tuneups
  • Pool equipment orientation
  • Seasonal start up or shut down service
  • Automation system installation or repair
Keep your pool clean and safe all summer long. Email us now to schedule a service visit.